Club Penguin Tools

March 22, 2009

Im Terribly sorry

Filed under: Club Penguin News — YEMM Trio @ 8:43 pm

Hey guys! Im very sorry that I didn’t post that much, I have alot going on in my life. And it’s very tough for me. Plus, my site is REALLY BADLY run down. I mean, whats the point in having a site that no one goes to. Sad, aint it? So I NEED you guys to go on Im trying to improve things if this site is very boring. Im sorry if advertising isnt allowed on this site. I am just desprate for atleast ONE PERSON to go to my site. Other than that,

Waddle On!

-Yert 456


  1. wow Yert i dint
    know your a author i never came to this site im new here 😀

    Pss Yert why did you delete me i tought we were gonna be good friends i was sad *sniff * i was sad the hole day

    your old friend ~Ksbunny1

    Comment by ksbunny1 — March 26, 2009 @ 10:03 am

  2. Dude don’t be a cry baby. Since so many people have websites, why would they want to go to just yours when there are a lot more popular ones.

    Comment by Warranty — March 29, 2009 @ 10:15 am

  3. :O dont be mean Warranty. not too many people go to my site, but i dont bully up on Yert for something hes just saying. dont be so mean. Bein mean means ur a bully, and bullying is against the LAW!

    Comment by breeanna16 — March 29, 2009 @ 12:42 pm

  4. I’m not bullying, I’m telling him how it is so mind your own business. Jeez.

    Comment by Warranty — March 29, 2009 @ 9:57 pm

  5. i will mind my own business when you dont get mad at people for no reason.

    Comment by breeanna16 — March 29, 2009 @ 11:14 pm

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