Club Penguin Tools

June 19, 2010

Club Penguin Band

Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 6:21 am

The Penguin Band are the four penguins that have played in a band at the Night Club during Penguin Chat and the start of Club Penguin. The band consists of G Billy on drums or flute, Petey K on piano or accordian, Stompin’ Bob on bass and Franky on guitar. They only walk around club penguin during certain special events. Although they are four different penguins, they are always in the same room together.

The Club Penguin Band’s Player Cards:

What they look like in Club Penguin:


Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 5:39 am

The Sensei is a wise penguin who lives in the Dojo and instructs penguins on how to play Card-Jitsu. He can be found in the dojo anytime, but to get a background from him he has to be traveling Club Penguin, which only happens on special occasions. If you find him, click the box on his playercard for an autographed background.

What his player card looks like:

What he looks like in Club Penguin:


September 28, 2009

Long time, No post!

Filed under: Club Penguin News — YEMM Trio @ 3:26 am

Hey guys! Yert here! I’m just here to say hi after a long while! I cant wait till your stickfigure series comes out! Well, that’s it! BYE!

~Yert 456~

September 21, 2009


Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 8:55 am

Hey everyone, Blue here! I just wanted to clear up a misunderstanding some people might have. Mimo777 hasn’t “hacked this site” or anything. I really have no idea how that got started but I would just like to clear it up now because it’s not true.

Thanks for ya time! x]


August 7, 2009

My Penguin Tales Story!

Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 11:05 pm

Hey Everyone! Here’s My Penguin Tales submission:

My Ultimate Igloo Dance Party!


By: Bluehero29


It was a beautiful day in Club Penguin. The sun was shining and it seemed like the perfect day to have some fun. But when Bluehero waddled over to the town center to meet his friends they were all moping around and didn’t seem to be having a good time at all. “What’s wrong with you guys?” he asked. “We’re just down because the Music Jam is over and there’s no more music” his friends replied. “Well isn’t there some way to bring the music back?” he wondered out loud. “I don’t know how we can since all the bands have already packed up and went back to their igloos” said another penguin.

But Bluehero wasn’t going to give up there. He knew there had to be something they could do to bring the music back. Then all the sudden it hit him. Even though the party had ended they still had all the cool music furniture in their igloos! “Just because the music jam is over doesn’t mean the music has to end!” he exclaimed.

“What do you mean by that?” his friends asked. “I’m going to throw the biggest dance party in the history of Club Penguin and everyone’s invited!” he shouted. “Hey that’s a great idea!” shouted a penguin. “Yea sounds terrific!” a second penguin exclaimed. “I’ll definitely be there!” said a third.

And so Bluehero went out and bought all the musical items he could find. From guitar stands to concert lights his igloo would have every music item imaginable! When he finally finished his igloo he invited all his friends over to check it out. “Whoa! This place is incredible!” one penguin exclaimed. “Yea this is the best igloo decorating I’ve ever seen!” said another. “We could party here all night!” said a third.

music jam

So Bluehero and his friends sent postcards to everyone they knew and invited them to come to the dance party and before they new it the igloo was full of penguins rockin out and having a good time!

 “This is the best idea you’ve ever had Blue!” exclaimed his friend. Bluehero just laughed and said “Well you never know what you can do with a whole lot of furniture and your imagination!”

music jam1

The End

I waited until now to post it just to make sure no one would steal my idea. Comment and tell me what you think! I tried to make it more “clubpenguinyish” so I’d have a better chance of winning x]


August 5, 2009

My Chat!

Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 3:55 am

Hey guys! I know i hardly ever post on here but I just wanted to say that I just made a new chat and I would love it if you guys woudl come check it out. Here’s the link: . Scroll down for the rules. You can become a member/mod by coming on often and following rules but please don’t ask to become one. Well I’ll see you guys there x]


May 24, 2009


Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 3:09 am

Hey Everyone! Rockhopper’s here and he’s giving out a new background! Check it out:


Haven’t found him yet? Well hopefully you’ll be able to find him by using this post! I’ll explain how it works. If you know where Rockhopper is then post a comment like this:

Hey I found Rockhopper!

Room: (Put the room he’s in here) Server: (Put the server he’s on here)

Here are some guidelines for commenting:

  • Don’t post the location if he’s already left
  • Don’t post a fake location
  • Make sure you know he’s there. Sometimes on  popular servers like Mammoth people will say he’s there when he’s actually not.

And if you don’t know what Rockhopper looks like when he’s waddling around on Club Penguin here’s a pic:


So I hope this post will help everyone find Rockhopper and get his autugraphed background! And even if you already have the background it’s still fun to try to find him because sometimes he does things like play Hide-and-Go-Seek or read a story. 😛


May 11, 2009

Cool Party!

Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 9:16 am

Hey Everyone! The party was really cool! Thanks for coming everyone! Sorry I had to leave during the middle of it but it was still a pretty fun party. Here are some pics I took:


party 1

I had an awesome time and I hope everyone else did! :D

~Bluehero The Wizard Apprentice

Medieval Celebration!

Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 5:16 am

Hey Everyone! I’ve decided to have Medieval Celebration party! :D It’s really just a random party in the new medieval club penguin. So here’s the details:

  • Server: Icebound (If for some reason the server is too full for me to get in I might change it but that shouldn’t happen)
  • Time: 3:00 Penguin Standard Time
  • Places: Night Club – 3:00 Penguin Standard Time
                   Night Club Lounge – 3:15 Penguin Standard Time
                   Heats Wizard Tower – 3:30 Penguin Standard Time

Then after that we can just go to random rooms or if any of the authors wanna open their igloo for everyone to go in they could do that too. I’m hoping a lot of people will come so tell all your friends about the party.

See ya there! ;)  

~Bluehero29 The Wizard Apprentice

P.S. I will ask Heat The Wizard if he can cometh :P

May 9, 2009


Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 5:24 am

Hey Everyone! The medival party is finally here! It was my favorite party last year and this year it’s just as cool! 😀 You can get the wizard’s hat at the wizard tower (The Lighthouse) and become a wizard like Heat!

wizard hat

Click on the Pin Maker 3000 in the Boiler Room for the King’s Crown pin.

wizard pin

The knights quest starts in the cave but sadly it’s members only 😦

wizard gate

In the first part of the quest you have to light all the orbs by standing on their switches.

wizard sign

In the second part of the quest you have to hit 50 targets. But if you’re to lazy to do that you can just let everyone else in the room hit them for you 😆

wizard sign 1

The last part of the quest is a maze. Just follow the arrows as they light up. You go: Down Left Down Up Up Right

wizard sign 3

Then once you get through the maze you’ll be able to get the golden knight armor!  Ta Da!

wizard sign 4

And don’t forget, Heat’s filming for CPTV today! Here’s the details in case you forgot:

Where: Heatblast227’s Igloo on the Map

When: 4:00 club penguin time


Hope to see you there! 😀


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