Club Penguin Tools

April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt!

Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 1:27 am

Hey Everyone! This years Easter Egg Hunt is here! I have a guide of the egg locations below but if I were you I would try to find them on my own and just look at this guide when you’re really stuck. That’s what makes an easter egg hunt fun after all 😛

The first egg is in one of the night club lights:


The second egg is in the waters at the cove:


The third egg is in the mine, just click the cart like you normally do for cart surfer and when the cart comes up for you to ride in it will have the third egg in it.


The forth egg is at the dojo, disguised as an entrance lamp.


You can get the the fifth egg by clicking on the square hat in the gift shop.


The sixth egg is in the fishing box at the Ski Lodge.


Click on the top of the directions sign at the Ski Hill for the sixth egg.


To get the last egg, go to the beacon, flip the switch off, and grab the egg.


Then you can get the pink bunny ears as your prize! 😀


I hope everyone has an awesome Easter!


April 2, 2009

April Fools Day Party!!

Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 9:23 am

Hey everyone! The April Fools Day Party is here! There’s tons of boxes!


Members can buy a portal box from the Box Store (At the Snow Forts).


Now here’s how to get to the other party room, The Box Dimension. First put the portal box in your igloo and then set into it. And the best part is, Non-members can get in too! Just go to one of your friends igloo who has a portal box and step through it! 😀


Then you will be transported to the Box Dimension!

teleport-box4(Thanks to Heat for the pic)

The Blue Propeller Cap is in the Mine!



April 1, 2009

April Fools Party Rooms!

Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 4:49 am

Hey Everyone! Sorry I haven’t posted in so long, I just haven’t really had time to. Well anyway I’m sure all of you are excited about seeing all the crazy rooms in the upcoming April Fools Party. Well you don’t have to wait anymore! Because I have swfs of every room that’s decorated for the party! :D Here they are:

Sorry It takes up so much space. But unfortunately in this party there’s not going to be a special party room…………There’s gonna be two!! :D I can’t wait until tommorow! But remember it’ll be April Fools Day, anything can happen :P


P.S. Sorry about the St.Pattricks Day Header 😛 I’ll try to get another one up soon.

March 22, 2009

Im Terribly sorry

Filed under: Club Penguin News — YEMM Trio @ 8:43 pm

Hey guys! Im very sorry that I didn’t post that much, I have alot going on in my life. And it’s very tough for me. Plus, my site is REALLY BADLY run down. I mean, whats the point in having a site that no one goes to. Sad, aint it? So I NEED you guys to go on Im trying to improve things if this site is very boring. Im sorry if advertising isnt allowed on this site. I am just desprate for atleast ONE PERSON to go to my site. Other than that,

Waddle On!

-Yert 456

March 17, 2009

Happy St.Patricks Day

Filed under: Club Penguin News — conner91 @ 9:37 pm

Hey its me Conner,and happy St.Patricks Day!!!!!
in other news: Today is also the last day for the St.patricks day party on CP!

March 15, 2009

St. Patricks Day Party!!

Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 7:12 am

Hey Everyone! Sorry this post is so late but I was really busy this weekend. Well anyway, the St, Patricks Day Party is here! They brought back the shamrock hat, it’s in the coffee shop.


Follow the rainbow to find the the new pin at the mountain!


You can get to the Leprechaun house through the forest. But sadly it’s members only. 😦


Plus check out my new header! Heat made it! I think it looks awesome! What do you guys think?


P.S. This site might go under construction soon.

March 3, 2009

White Puffle News and More!

Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 3:43 am

Hey Everyone! Guess what Billybob just announced on the What’s New Blog! White Puffles are finally going to be avaliable on Friday!!


I really hope they’re gonna be avaliable to non-members but I don’t know since CP is doing all this stuff for members.  I can’t wait to see what they can do, I think it’ll be ninja stuff. Comment what you think they’ll be able to do.


P.S. The St. Pattrick’s Day Party’s starting on the 13th, I can’t wait! 😀 Here’s a sneak peek:


March 1, 2009

Ideas for fan art?

Filed under: Club Penguin News — conner91 @ 2:03 am

Hey guys,its me conner and I got a idea!Comment on this post for ideas of what i should make for a fan art pic and comment links to some of yours!If i think yours is really good i’ll post it!And the best idea one i will make and post it!
NOTE:They must be puffle related or ninja related(Ninja+Puffle=White puffle : D ) and Clubpenguin related of course : )
P.S who ever is the winner may get a prize i just need to think of a prize mabey a code…and look at the posts below

February 27, 2009

White Puffle Spotted Again!

Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 9:10 am

Hey Everyone! Guess what? The white puffle’s been spotted in puffle roundup! Here’s a pic:


It’s really easy to catch, it moves even slower than the blue puffle. This is even more evidence that the white puffle’s coming to club penguin soon! Plus Rockhopper’s coming tommorow. I can’t wait! 😀


February 25, 2009

My beta puffle fan art

Filed under: Club Penguin News — conner91 @ 7:49 am

Heres my fan art of one of the beta puffles!
: D
Commwnt on how good it is plz


Bluehero:It’s awesome!

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