Club Penguin Tools

February 23, 2009

More White Puffle Evidence!

Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 4:20 am

Hey Everyone! Remember that pic of the white puffle I showed you before? Well today when I was on CP I found even more evidence of the white puffle! Check it out:

  1. The picture I showed you yesterday of the white puffle in the courtyard.
  2. The White Puffle at the ski hill.

  3. The ball pit at the forest. There’s a ball for every puffle color and white.
  4. In the new wallpaper there’s a hidden pufle in the puffle condo above the pink puffle. You can just see its eyes.
  5. In the new puffle video on the what’s new blog when the puffle stampede comes, there’s a white puffle in the stampede.

So with all this evidence I’m 99.999999999999999999999999% sure that white puffles are coming to club penguin! 😆 Maybe they’ll be able to do cool ninja stuff or something. I just hope they’re avaliable to members and non-members 😛 Comment saying what you think about the white puffles or if you find some more evidence.


February 21, 2009

Puffle Party!

Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 7:13 am

Hey Everyone! The puffle party is here! It’s awesome!!! Every puffle has it’s own room devoted to it!

Blue Puffle – Forest

Red Puffle – Cove

Pink Puffle – Iceburg

Black Puffle – Cave

Green Puffle – Beacon

Purple Puffle – Night Club

Yellow Puffle – Lighthouse

You can get the Puffle Bandana at the cove.


Theres also a cool new room that you can get to through the forts where you can feed puffles by throwing o-berries at them! And the best part is that it’s avaliable to members and non-members! 😀


And you know what the coolest part about this party is? There’s a white puffle in the dojo courtyard!!!!! 😀 It appears every half hour! Heres a pic:


See the white thing in the middle? That’s the white puffle! Comment what you think of the party and the new puffle!


P.S. Here’s a pic of my new puffle:


February 20, 2009

Puffle history!

Filed under: Club Penguin News — conner91 @ 5:19 am

Hey guys its conner91,and today i have some history on puffles
First ever sketch of pufflesPuffleConcepts copy copy.jpg

Comment wich one is your favourite!
Heres the first 4 puffles
Then Clubpenguin discovered the purple Puffle and then Rockhopper brought back some Red ones from RH island
Theres use to be a legendary yellow puffle but then Cp Team heard about it and put the yellow puffle in Cp!(I think it was more fun with the rumors of it,but it was kool to see the yellow puffle FIRST time ever on the halloween party 07)Also the first ever puffles seen were Green and Blue Puffles at he night club, icerink and the snow forts and were captured on November 21 2005 and were made pets on March 16 2006!And puffle round up was released on December 14 2005 !Also Puffles have bin around cp for about 3 years now!
P.S I like the crab puffle its kool

February 11, 2009


Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 6:41 am

Hey Everyone! I just got this program called Pivot that lets you create stickfigures and make animations with them.  So I’m gonna make a vid with a bunch of funny stickfigure animations. The only problem is that I don’t have enough ideas. That’s where I need your help! I need people to comment on this post with ideas for funny stickfigure animations. But remeber, I don’t have a lot of special effects since I just use Windows Movie Maker so I couldn’t do any explosions or things like that. So what are you waiting for, start thinking of ideas! lol


February 9, 2009

Party reminded

Filed under: Club Penguin News — conner91 @ 9:22 pm

Hey guys its me,conner91,and heres a reminder about my party tomorrow!
When:feb 10 Time:4 EST-5EST(1 PST-2PST)
Why:well it was for my memeber ship ending but that changed so my penguin will be 2 years old tomorrow
I might record i might not(probally not)

February 7, 2009

Clothing Catalog

Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 11:27 am

Hey Everyone! The new Clothing Catalog came out today! This catalog had a bunch of hidden stuff in it.  And if you need help finding them, I’ll be glad to help!

Click the S in T-Shirts for The Spikester.

Click the E in Penguins At Work for The Spikette.

Click the center blue dot for the Fruit Headdress.

Click the plant for the Red Viking Helmet.

Open and close the Red Viking Helmet three more times for the Blue Viking Helmet.

Click the snowman’s eyes or nose for the Yellow Scarf.

Click the A in Clearance for the Pink Pom Pom Toque.

Click the L in Clearance for the Red Hoodie.

I hope that helped!


February 5, 2009

New catalog sneak peek

Filed under: Club Penguin News — conner91 @ 6:03 am

Hey guys its me conner91 and heres a sneak peek of the new catalog

yay!I cant wait for the new catalog!
P.Skeep comming to this site for info about meh party!

February 2, 2009

Super Bowl!

Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 6:07 am

Hey Everyone! If you live in America you’re probably gonna be watching the Super Bowl tonight. If you don’t know what the Super Bowl is, it’s like the biggest football game ever. So I decided to make a poll to see who the majority of people on this site want to win! 😀

Im not really sure who to pull for. I guess I’ll pull for the team that wins lol. I hope everyone has an awesome time watching it! 


P.S. Thanks to Mmdance for helping me with the poll.

January 31, 2009


Filed under: Club Penguin News — conner91 @ 7:47 am

Hi my name is Conner,you probally dont know me or do know me from heers a little about me!
Favourite color:Michagin
Favourite drink:Noob blood
Favourite food:Noobs
Joined cp: when noobs died
Sport: NOOB OWNING( dont try at home cuz ur a noob )
How i joined cp:i met a noob and owned him to death cuz he was like ur mom said OHHH THAT WAS SO AWESOME LAST NIGHT and i was like u wish
Favourite language:1337
Favourite 5 words:BOW CHICKA WOW WOW

Bluehero:Awesome! Those are my fav words too! lol

January 30, 2009

Sports Catalog Secrets!

Filed under: Club Penguin News — Bluehero29 @ 8:35 pm

Hey Everyone! The new snow and sports catalog came out today! Click the climbing wall for some climbing gear.


The lilly pin is at the beacon.


I hope these tips helped everyone! :d


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